Finally! I've successfully taken on of these cliche shots.

The Importance of Framing – a Hunt vs. a Walk

I rarely have completely unsuccessful shoots or photo walks. Even if I don’t get the particular shot I had in mind, I usually capture something that I would consider a keeper, and frequently come back with an image much better

Finally! I've successfully taken on of these cliche shots.

The Importance of Framing – a Hunt vs. a Walk

I rarely have completely unsuccessful shoots or photo walks. Even if I don’t get the particular shot I had in mind, I usually capture something that I would consider a keeper, and frequently come back with an image much better

Things to Come (Preview)

Sorry about my disappearance. Real life came knocking, as it is wont to do. At least I’ve been coming up with post ideas, and I have a few things outlined thoroughly in my head. It’s just a matter of corralling

Things to Come (Preview)

Sorry about my disappearance. Real life came knocking, as it is wont to do. At least I’ve been coming up with post ideas, and I have a few things outlined thoroughly in my head. It’s just a matter of corralling

Adirondack dirt road during the winter around susnet

Weekly Photo Challenge: Resolved

I’m not a New Year’s resolution type of person, so I can’t fulfill this challenge in a literal manner. However, I do plan to hone my technical skills this year, and these shots are representative of that desire. My fancy

Adirondack dirt road during the winter around susnet

Weekly Photo Challenge: Resolved

I’m not a New Year’s resolution type of person, so I can’t fulfill this challenge in a literal manner. However, I do plan to hone my technical skills this year, and these shots are representative of that desire. My fancy

Snow: 1, Porch: 0

So my porch collapsed the other night. Actually, my porch awkwardly detached itself and slid forward the other night, but it had the same end result. There is no more porch. And before everybody asks yes, we do shovel our roofs.

Snow: 1, Porch: 0

So my porch collapsed the other night. Actually, my porch awkwardly detached itself and slid forward the other night, but it had the same end result. There is no more porch. And before everybody asks yes, we do shovel our roofs.

So My Gear Doesn’t Matter? Maybe Not.

I’m currently writing another post in which I try to explain. . .er. . .well, I basically whine about my gear. It’s a bit more productive than that, I promise, but it does include a lot of my current frustrations

So My Gear Doesn’t Matter? Maybe Not.

I’m currently writing another post in which I try to explain. . .er. . .well, I basically whine about my gear. It’s a bit more productive than that, I promise, but it does include a lot of my current frustrations

Adirondack waterfall with old mine and foam swirl

Droughts and Silver Mines: A Silver Creek Adventure

One of my friends from high school has a waterfall in her back yard (well, her parents’ back yard, now that she’s moved). I never spent much time at her house, but every time I visited I just wanted to

Adirondack waterfall with old mine and foam swirl

Droughts and Silver Mines: A Silver Creek Adventure

One of my friends from high school has a waterfall in her back yard (well, her parents’ back yard, now that she’s moved). I never spent much time at her house, but every time I visited I just wanted to

Log on fire in wood stove (Timberline stove)

Cold Nights: Shutter Speed, Flash, and Flames

Last night was cold. Not insanely cold, by North Country standards, but cold enough that I spent the entire evening nesting on the floor next to the wood stove. I have the flu! Some mopiness is to be expected. Anyway,

Log on fire in wood stove (Timberline stove)

Cold Nights: Shutter Speed, Flash, and Flames

Last night was cold. Not insanely cold, by North Country standards, but cold enough that I spent the entire evening nesting on the floor next to the wood stove. I have the flu! Some mopiness is to be expected. Anyway,

Weekly Photo Challenge: My 2012 in Pictures (Waterfall Edition!)

Exactly what it says on the tin! My second response to the Weekly Photo Challenge. My first post focused on images indicative of larger trends in my work, or images that had particular significance in other ways. However, no waterfall

Weekly Photo Challenge: My 2012 in Pictures (Waterfall Edition!)

Exactly what it says on the tin! My second response to the Weekly Photo Challenge. My first post focused on images indicative of larger trends in my work, or images that had particular significance in other ways. However, no waterfall

Snow and Sunbeams

Unlike my previous snowy excursion, this was a big picture day. My most recent lens purchase was in 2010 (I’ve been abstaining largely because I’m a recent, and therefore broke, college graduate).  I bought a Tamron 11-18, and to break

Snow and Sunbeams

Unlike my previous snowy excursion, this was a big picture day. My most recent lens purchase was in 2010 (I’ve been abstaining largely because I’m a recent, and therefore broke, college graduate).  I bought a Tamron 11-18, and to break

The Dangers of Photography (Results Coming Soon)

I went on a photo adventure today.  Through this much snow: That alone was rather, um, interesting, but it got worse.  Or rather, I got a bit more carried away than I generally do.  And have I mentioned that I’m

The Dangers of Photography (Results Coming Soon)

I went on a photo adventure today.  Through this much snow: That alone was rather, um, interesting, but it got worse.  Or rather, I got a bit more carried away than I generally do.  And have I mentioned that I’m